Strength for Employers

Direct all inquiries to: | +358 40 3204832

A business is only as strong as its workforce.

Strength for Anyone (SfA) is a physical education curriculum that honors historical labors and skills of prosperous nations while exploring resistance in a casual, workshop environment.

Are you an Helsinki employer who values measurable growth? Invest in your workers’ contributive capacities with SfA’s Business Clinics.

Sample: 60-minute Workshop

10-minute muscle activation: light resistance bands, hand grippers, foot and ankle strengthening, and calisthenics.

20-minute muscle development: heavy resistance bands, EZ Curl Bars, Pascal Dornier bandboxes, and light sandbag circuits.

15-minute strength exploration: banded deadlifts and squats, sandbag lifts, farmer’s carries, grip tests, steel-bending demonstrations, community-building exercises.

5-minute relaxation & group discussion: breath-work, mindfulness, dialogue and insight.

All equipment provided by SfA.

Interested? Contact SfA Founder, Nathan Toben to discuss a Clinic Package that meets your company’s needs and interests!